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How to Disable/Enable Group Policy Description: Group Policy is one of a group of management technologies, collectively known as IntelliMirror management technologies, which provide users with consistent access to their applications, application settings, roaming user profiles, and user data, from any managed computer—even when they are disconnected from the network. IntelliMirror is implemented through a set of Microsoft Windows.. 2013. 11. 2.
TCP/IPv6 Teredo Tunneling 제거 및 해제 IPv6 제거: 시작 > 실행 > cmd /k netsh interface ipv6 uninstall Teredo 해제: 시작 > 실행 > cmd /k netsh interface ipv6 set teredo disabled 출처 : www.torrentrg.com 2011. 9. 6.
How To Disable IPv6 In Windows 7 You might have heard about IPv6, it is the latest address protocol that will eventually replace IPv4. From Windows Vista onward it has been kept enabled by default, but it is also a fact that IPv6 is not yet common and many software, routers, modems, and other network equipment do not support it yet. So it may be a wise approach to disable it for now. We can also disable it by simply unchecking .. 2011. 6. 21.
BIND Dynamic Update DoS 취약점 보안업데이트 권고 □ 개요 o BIND에 원격 서비스거부(Denial of Service)공격이 가능한 신규 취약점이 발견되어 DNS 관리자의 주의를 요함[1] o 본 취약점은 악의적으로 변조된 Dynamic update 메세지 데이터 처리를 실패함으로서 발생함. ※ 해당 신규 취약점들은 기존 알려진 내용을 기반으로 효율적인 공격이 가능하도록 함 ※ Dynamic update : 도메인의 Authority를 갖는 네임서버를 통해 Zone 파일을 수정치 않고도 레코드를 동적으로 원격 갱신할 수 있음. □ 해당시스템 o 마스터 네임서버로 이용되는 각종 BIND 9.X 시스템 - Cisco Systems, Inc. - Debian GNU/Linux - Infoblox - Internet Software Consortium - .. 2009. 7. 30.