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Invision Power Board SQL injection exploit by RST/GHC #!/usr/bin/perl ## Invision Power Board SQL injection exploit by RST/GHC ## vulnerable forum versions : 1.* , 2.* (&lt2.0.4) ## tested on version 1.3 Final and version 2.0.2 ## * work on all mysql versions ## * work with magic_quotes On (use %2527 for bypass magic_quotes_gpc = On) ## (c)oded by 1dt.w0lf ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## screen: ## ~~~.. 2010. 10. 26.
ASP Nuke SQL Injection Vulnerability ''' __ __ ____ _ _ ____ | \/ |/ __ \ /\ | | | | _ \ | \ / | | | | / \ | | | | |_) | | |\/| | | | |/ /\ \| | | | _ 2010. 9. 13.
Introduce the best SQL injection Tools According to my experiences, I think these are good tools for SQL injection : ADSQL Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/112451434/AD_V2.32.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/112453410/how_...tion_points.rar CASI 4.0 Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/112451002/CASI_4.0.rar HDSI Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/112376888/HDSI13.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/112610950/hdsi30.rar pangolin v1.3.1.650 C.. 2010. 8. 23.
SQL Injection Vulnerability SQL Injection Vulnerabilities Green Shop [x] Tybe: SQL Injection Vulnerabilities [x] Vendor: egreen.ir [x] Script Name: Green Shop [x] author: Ashiyane Digital Security Team [x] Thanks To N4H [?] Submit By PrinceofHacking ^_^ [x] Mail : Prince[dot]H4ck@gmail[dot]com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D0rk: "egreen.ir" Exploit: http://site.org/index.php?pid=[SQLi] Ex: http://site.org/index.ph.. 2010. 7. 8.
SQL Injection and Signature Evasion SQL-Injection: Attack-Types 2010. 5. 31.