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iptstate - iptables 연결 상태 실시간 모니터링

by 날으는물고기 2010. 1. 31.

iptstate - iptables 연결 상태 실시간 모니터링



# yum install iptstate

# iptstate -h
Usage: iptstate [-dfhlLRst] [-b [d|p|s|t]] [-D <address>] [-S <address>] [-r <seconds>]
        b: Sort by
           d: Destination IP (or Name)
           p: Protocol
           s: State
           t: TTL
           (to sort by Source IP (or Name), don't use -b)

        d: Do not dynamically choose sizing, use default
        D: Only show states with a destination of the IP address given
        f: Filter loopback
        h: This help message
        l: Show hostnames instead of IP addresses
        L: Hide DNS lookups
        r: Refresh rate, followed by rate in seconds
           (for statetop, not applicable for -s)
        R: reverse sort order
        s: Single run (no curses)
        S: Only show states with a source of the IP address given
        t: Print totals
See man iptstate(1) for more information.

