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서버구축 (WEB,DB)

Disable the use of LOCAL INFILE

by 날으는물고기 2010. 8. 17.

Disable the use of LOCAL INFILE

The next change is to disable the use of the "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" command, which will help to prevent unauthorized reading from local files. This is especially important when new SQL Injection vulnerabilities in PHP applications are found.

In addition, in certain cases, the "LOCAL INFILE" command can be used to gain access to other files on the operating system, for instance "/etc/passwd", using the following command:
mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/etc/passwd' INTO TABLE table1

Or even simpler:
mysql> SELECT load_file("/etc/passwd")
To disable the usage of the "LOCAL INFILE" command, the following parameter should be added in the [mysqld] section of the MySQL configuration file.



