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Microsoft Silverlight Installation and Setup

by 날으는물고기 2011. 1. 20.

Microsoft Silverlight Installation and Setup

Windows Installer

The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable disk that is not available.

Insert the ‘Microsoft Silverlight’ disk and then click OK

Use source

Microsoft’s Silverlight Installation 1

You may want to try this:

1. Start\Run
2. Type "Regedit"
3. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AgControl.AgControl
4. Select the folder and on the right hand side there should be only one registry key called Default and the data should be Silverlight
5. Open the drop down for AgControl.AgControl
6. Select CLSID and double click the registry to the right
7. Chane the Value to {DFEAF541-F3E1-4c24-ACAC-99C30715084A} then click ok
8. Select CurVer and double click registry
9. Change the Value to AgControl.AgControl.1.0

Close the Registry and reboot, Then try reinstalling Silverlight from the link above

How to manually clean up a broken Silverlight installation

If Silverlight isn't working for you and you are getting errors trying to either uninstall, reinstall or upgrade Silverlight the steps below might help you. Note that I'm not listing all the steps to remove every trace of Silverlight from your machine. These steps are just meant to clean up enough so that future attempts to install, upgrade or uninstall don't fail.

Standard warnings about editing your registry apply. Be careful that you only delete what I say to delete below. If you delete too much by accident it is quite likely that you will break something and there is no way to undo accidental changes.

Steps to clean up a machine to fix a broken Silverlight installation:

  • In the Control Panel, open the Add/Remove Programs applet (Programs on Vista) and uninstall Microsoft Silverlight if it is shown as installed by clicking on it and then clicking Uninstall or Remove. If you get an error on this step (for example a dialog saying that the msi file cannot be found), just continue on to the next step.
  • <Edited 10/22/2010 to remove reference to downloading and running the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility as it is no longer available.>
  • Using regedit, navigate to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Silverlight and delete the key.
    • From an administrator command shell you can do this by running:
      reg delete HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Silverlight /f
  • Using Windows Explorer, delete the “Microsoft Silverlight” directory from under Program Files.
    • From an administrator command shell on an x86 you can do this by running:
      rmdir /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Silverlight
    • If you are on a 64-bit version of Windows, substitute ProgramFiles(x86):
      rmdir /s /q "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Silverlight

출처 : http://blogs.msdn.com
