Batch Script2 728x90 FOR /F tokens and delims Step by step The general syntax of FOR /F commands, at least the part we are going to analyze, is: FOR /F "tokens=n,m* delims=ccc" %%A IN ('some_command') DO other_command %%A %%B %%CUsing an example, we are going to try and find a way to define values for tokens and delims. For our example, we are going to find out who is logged on to a computer with a specified IP address (like, say, one found in our firew.. 2011. 4. 5. Auto Update Sysinternals Tools While the Microsoft Sysinternals tools are incredibly powerful and useful, the one feature they lack is the ability to check for new versions. Currently, you have to periodically check the Sysinternals site and compare versions between your system and the most recent official release in order to stay up to date. As a better solution, we have created a batch script which will automatically update.. 2010. 7. 29. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90