Boot Loader2 728x90 GRUB for DOS boot code to MBR Installation There are many ways to install GRUB for DOS. Some of them require modifying MBR or partition boot sector, while others require changing system startup configuration files. Install GRUB for DOS boot code to MBR You can use or grubinst.exe to install GRUB for DOS boot code to MBR: can be used in DOS, Windows 95/98/Me and Linux. Examples: Install GRUB for DOS .. 2009. 7. 6. SYSLINUX - bootloaders for FAT filesystems What is SYSLINUX? SYSLINUX is a boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates off an MS-DOS/Windows FAT filesystem. It is intended to simplify first-time installation of Linux, and for creation of rescue- and other special-purpose boot disks. SYSLINUX can be used, when properly set up, to completely eliminate the need for distribution of raw diskette images for boot floppies. A SYSLI.. 2009. 6. 6. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90