Doxbar2 728x90 DoxBar - add-in for using doxygen Introduction DoxBar is an add-in for using doxygen from within Developer Studio. The add-in has three functions: It can be used to run doxygen on the sources and header files of the current project and its dependencies. These are those sources and header files that are visible from the Workspace under the project whose name is displayed in bold. It can be used to automatically generate comments .. 2009. 7. 4. Doxygen + Graphviz + DoxyComment 소스코드 문서화 리눅스에서 doxygen & graphviz를 연동해서 사용하는 법을 간단히 소개 DOXYGEN INSTALL 링크 : 파일 : doxygen-1.5.9.linux.bin.tar.gz 설치방법( ROOT ) tar -zxvf doxygen-1.5.9.linux.bin.tar.gz cd doxygen-1.5.9 ./configure make && make install GRAPHVIZ INSTALL 링크 : 파일 : graphviz-2.6.tar.gz 설치방법 ( ROOT ) tar -zxvf grap.. 2009. 7. 4. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90