Intrusion Prevention System3 728x90 시스코 IPS 서비스 거부 취약점 보안 업데이트 □ 개요 o CISCO社는 ISP(Intrusion Prevention System)에 영향을 주는 서비스 거부 취약점을 해결한 보안 업데이트를 발표 - (CVE-2013-1243, CVE-2013-1218, CVE-2013-3410, CVE-2013-3411) o 공격자는 특수하게 조작된 패킷을 전송하여, 취약점에 영향받는 장비를 대상으로 장애를 유발시킬 수 있으므로, 최신버전으로 업데이트 권고 □ 해당 시스템 o 영향 받는 제품 - Cisco ASA 5500-X Series - Cisco IPS 4500 Series - Cisco IPS 4300 - Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Network Module Enhanced (IPS NME) - Cisco Catalyst .. 2013. 7. 18. Snort is available for download! This is the changelog for Snort * src/build.h: Increment Snort build number to 134 * src/: decode.h, encode.c: * src/dynamic-plugins/sf_engine/: sf_snort_packet.h: * src/preprocessors/: spp_sfportscan.c, spp_frag3.c: * src/output-plugins/: spo_alert_fast.c: * src/preprocessors/Stream5/: stream5_common.c: Updated portscan to set protocol correctly in raw packet for IPv6 and changed the e.. 2011. 4. 8. 네트워크 방화벽 SPI DPI 방식 Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) What is an SPI firewall? SPI is a basic firewalling feature that is included in standard DSL routers (e.g. SpeedTouch routers). How does SPI work? SPI works at the network layer by examining a packets header and footer in addition to ensuring the packet belongs to a valid session. When an IP packet arrives at the firewall from the Internet the firewall decides if.. 2009. 9. 4. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90