Mobile7 728x90 블랙마켓 Applanet 새로운 버젼 Welcome to BlackAPP. This website is an alternative download location for the Applanet App for the Android Mobile Phones and Tablets. Please scan the QRCode below to download on your phone or right click and save as to download it to your PC. Latest Version :: Right Click Here And Save 출처 : 2011. 3. 28. JAILBREAK SSH HORRORS STRIKE BACK Back in 2009 the “ikee” rick-rolling worm went around the iPhone world via the password of ‘alpine’ on the root account. You are now warned to change your root password when you pop into Cydia and Rock the first time. But this thing just wont stay down. If you have jailbroken your iPad you might want to check out a little file called “master.passwd”. In it, there is another user called ‘mobile’ .. 2010. 8. 4. 이전 1 2 다음 728x90 728x90