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Web Vulnerability Scanners Comparison Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner placed first in a paper released by Adam Doup´e, Marco Cova, and Giovanni Vigna from the University of California, Santa Barbara. In the paper “Why Johnny Can’t Pentest: An Analysis of Black-box Web Vulnerability Scanners”, the authors compared the capalities of eleven black box web security scanners (both commercial and open source) against a realistic test we.. 2010. 7. 8.
Top 100 Network Security Tools After the tremendously successful 2000 and 2003 security tools surveys, Insecure.Org is delighted to release this 2006 survey. I (Fyodor) asked users from the nmap-hackers mailing list to share their favorite tools, and 3,243 people responded. This allowed me to expand the list to 100 tools, and even subdivide them into categories. Anyone in the security field would be well advised to go over th.. 2010. 6. 23.
Web Application Security Scanner List The following list of products and tools provide web application security scanner functionality. Note that the tools on this list are not being endorsed by the Web Application Security Consortium - any tool that provides web application security scanning functionality will be listed here. If you know of a tool that should be added to this list, please contact Brian Shura at bshura73@gmail.com. C.. 2009. 12. 16.
웹 어플리케이션 보안 취약점 테스트 WebScarab Developed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), WebScarab is first and foremost a proxy used to analyze browser requests and server replies. In addition to serving as a tool for packet analysis, you can use it to "fuzz" sites, looking for some of the same exploits mentioned above. To use WebScarab, you first configure proxy settings in your Web browser. For Mozilla Fire.. 2009. 10. 30.
웹분석에 유용한 프락시(Proxy) 툴 - Paros : http://www.parosproxy.org - burpsuite : http://www.portswigger.net/suite - WebScarab : http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_WebScarab_Project 2009. 10. 23.