Terminal Server2 728x90 mRemoteNG - remote connections manager mRemoteNG is a fork of mRemote, an open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager. mRemoteNG adds bug fixes and new features to mRemote. It allows you to view all of your remote connections in a simple yet powerful tabbed interface. mRemoteNG supports the following protocols: RDP (Remote Desktop/Terminal Server)VNC (Virtual Network Computing)ICA (Citrix Independent Computing Arc.. 2014. 3. 4. Cain & Abel v4.9.43 released Free Hacking Tools Cain & Abel v4.9.43 released - Added SAP R/3 sniffer filter for SAP GUI authentications and SAP DIAG protocol decompression. - Added support for Licensing Mode Terminal Server connections to Windows 2008 R2 servers in APR-RDP sniffer filter. - Added support for MSCACHEv2 Hashes (used by Vista/Seven/2008) in Dictionary and Brute-Force Attacks. - Added MSCACHEv2 Hashes Cryptanal.. 2011. 12. 7. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90