Union3 728x90 SQL Injection Vulnerability SQL Injection Vulnerabilities Green Shop [x] Tybe: SQL Injection Vulnerabilities [x] Vendor: egreen.ir [x] Script Name: Green Shop [x] author: Ashiyane Digital Security Team [x] Thanks To N4H [?] Submit By PrinceofHacking ^_^ [x] Mail : Prince[dot]H4ck@gmail[dot]com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D0rk: "egreen.ir" Exploit: http://site.org/index.php?pid=[SQLi] Ex: http://site.org/index.ph.. 2010. 7. 8. Black Day to Kaspersky, vulnerable again, again exposes users and serial data It is known by many as February 7, 2009 I found a SQL Injection vulnerability in Kaspersky USA . When security sites and databases Kaspersky has been audited by an uber specialist, David Litchfield . But it seems that the story of vulnerabilities continue … This time parameter is vulnerable on a page in Malaysia and in Singapore . The vulnerability affects all databases in Southeast Asia. “ Kasp.. 2009. 12. 15. SQL injection: Not only AND 1=1 - Presentation Transcript SQL injection: Not only AND 1=1 Bernardo Damele A. G. Penetration Tester Portcullis Computer Security Ltd bernardo.damele@gmail.com +44 7788962949 Copyright © Bernardo Damele Assumpcao Guimaraes Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. The OWASP Foundation http://www.owasp.org Introduction From the OWASP Testing .. 2009. 10. 23. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90