VNC6 728x90 VNC 해킹을 통한 원격제어 공격 주의 개요원격제어 프로그램인 VNC(Virtual Network Computing)접속으로 원격에서 해커가 대상시스템을 모니터링 및 임의조작이 가능함 - 사용자가 쉽게 추출 가능한 비밀번호를 사용함에 따라 무자별 대입공격(Brute Force Attack)에 취약함 - 공격자는 VNC에서 사용하는 기본 포트번호(5800/tcp, 5900/tcp)를 통해 접속IP와 비밀번호로 접속 후 원격제어 공격이 가능함VNC 사용자는 기본 설정의 변경 없이 사용할 경우 해킹공격에 취약할 수 있으므로 해결방안에 따라 보안 설정을 권고함 해결 방안VNC 접속에 사용되는 비밀번호는 쉽게 유추가 불가능한 복잡한 패스워드를 사용하며 주기적(3개월에서 6개월)으로 비밀번호 변경 ※ 복잡한 패스워드 : 특수문자, 숫자, 영문을 혼합하여.. 2015. 7. 7. mRemoteNG - remote connections manager mRemoteNG is a fork of mRemote, an open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager. mRemoteNG adds bug fixes and new features to mRemote. It allows you to view all of your remote connections in a simple yet powerful tabbed interface. mRemoteNG supports the following protocols: RDP (Remote Desktop/Terminal Server)VNC (Virtual Network Computing)ICA (Citrix Independent Computing Arc.. 2014. 3. 4. mRemote Terminal Emulator – Remote Connections Manager The Quick and DirtymRemote is an open source, terminal emulator that runs on Windows (XP and Vista). It runs on top of Putty and provides a tabbed terminal emulation experience...for free. While SecureCRT provides the same experience(and is a better option in my opinion), it costs about $100 for a license while mRemote is free. Did I mention that it's free?mRemote is an excellent application wit.. 2012. 9. 1. Metasploit VNC Password Extraction Chris Gates wrote a blog post about the 'getvncpw' meterpreter script. I ran into the same issue on Penetration Tests in the past but didn't know much about the wacked out version of DES that RFB (the VNC protocol) was using. Not being a fan of manually editing a binary and compiling each time I had a password to crack I wanted to find another way, but didn't get a chance to. Yesterday I saw thi.. 2011. 3. 21. BEST TOOLS EVER (UPDATED) OpenVPN OpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN solution which can accomodate a wide range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs, WiFi security, and enterprise-scale remote access solutions with load balancing, failover, and fine-grained access-controls. GUI-version for Windows! BlueFTP This is an old tool which will helps .. 2010. 8. 22. 이전 1 2 다음 728x90 728x90