auditing2 728x90 Arirang - Powerful Webserver Security Scanner for Network Arirang is powerful webserver security scanner for network. arirang different most cgi scanners(cgichk, ucgi, whisker, malice, nikto ...) arirang based on twwwscan. designed to network scanner. arirang can help network administrators find security vulnerabilities, auditing and patch in their webservers. this program was originally written under OpenBSD 2.8 2.9 tested on OpenBSD 2.8 2.9 ,FreeBSD .. 2010. 9. 14. Additional notes in PHP source code auditing Today , I decide talk about some of my experience about methods of vulnerability discovery techniques through source code auditing . if you remember , around 1 years ago , i wrote This article : 20 ways to php Source code fuzzing (Auditing) some time ago “Stefan Esser” made The Poster on the PHP Security . I’m going to have a brief description about most them with my experience in PHP Source cod.. 2010. 3. 16. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90