bandwidth3 728x90 EIGRP equal/unequal [metric/cost] paths load balancing default[k1=1, k2=0, k3=1, k4=0, k5=0] from Source R0 to destination R4 loopback 0 All serial segments Bandwidth, Delay are the same. Equal path load balancing. hostname R0 interface Serial0/0 ip address interface Serial0/1 ip address interface Serial0/2 ip address router eigrp 1 network ne.. 2010. 7. 2. WAN Net Meter and LAN Net Meter Net Meter monitors network traffic through all network connections on the computer it's installed on, and displays real-time graphical and numerical downloading and uploading speeds. The software supports to display transfer rates of multiple network connections at the same time. It also logs network traffic and provides daily, weekly, monthly, and summary traffic reports. And start days of week.. 2009. 12. 11. Network Management and Monitoring - NetCrunch NetCrunch는 현존하는 sub networks, servers, routers, switches, printers 를 자동으로 찾아냅니다. 자동으로 발견하는 항목 Scanning method Node type SNMP community string Scanning range Scanning frequency Services to be monitored NetCrunch는 네트워크 지도를 “논리적 지도” 및 “물리적 지도”를 지원합니다. NetCrunch는 자동적으로 미리 정의한 필터링된 맵을 볼 수 있습니다. <.. 2009. 3. 10. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90