payload4 728x90 월패드(Wall pad) 제어를 스마트 홈 장치와 연동하여 자동화 MQTT 프로토콜과 RS-485를 활용하여 스마트 홈 장치들의 상태를 관리하고 제어하는 스크립트입니다.1. 라이브러리 임포트socket, threading, serial: 네트워크 통신과 멀티스레딩을 위한 기본 라이브러리.paho.mqtt.client: MQTT 프로토콜을 위한 클라이언트 라이브러리.json, sys, time, logging: 설정 파일 처리, 시스템 관련 작업, 로깅을 위한 라이브러리.2. 디바이스 설정RS485_DEVICE: 각 장치의 ID, 명령어 코드 및 상태를 정의.DISCOVERY_DEVICE, DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD: Home Assistant와의 연동을 위한 MQTT 디스커버리 정보.3. MQTT 및 로깅 초기화mqtt: MQTT 클라이언트 객체 생성 및 연결 설.. 2024. 11. 11. Hacking through images It's long time I don't write on my own blog (more then two months) and if you look at the history bar on your right you will probably figure out I am slowing down my blog posts a bit if compared to the past years. This happens due the amount of work my security team and I are involved on. Many different and really important facts happened during the past months, from astonishing NSA revelations .. 2013. 11. 5. POC of Vsftpd backdoor discovered vsftpd version of 2.3.4 downloadable source code was compromised and a backdoor added to the code. Evans, the author of vsftpd . This module exploits a malicious backdoor that was added to the VSFTPD download archive. This backdoor was present in the vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz archive sometime before July 3rd 2011. The bad tarball included a backdoor in the code which would respond to a user logging in.. 2011. 7. 6. Offensive Security Exploit Weekend Sud0′s story : After quickly analyzing the pdf file, it was clear that the PDF reader is vulnerable to a buffer overflow when parsing an overly long string in the "Title" field. (Simply open the pdf file in a editor or use Didier Stevens’ tool to list the elements in the pdf file) When opening the PoC pdf file in Foxit Reader (with Immunity Debugger attached to it), an access viola.. 2010. 11. 23. 이전 1 다음 728x90 728x90