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xSQLScanner 1.2 and Mono Version

by 날으는물고기 2011. 10. 24.

xSQLScanner 1.2 and Mono Version

I published at my blog a new tool called xSQLScanner. This program
allow the user audit MS-SQL and My-SQL servers.

Some features:

1 - 6 Vulnerability Audit options;
 1.2 - Test for weak password fast;
 1.3 - Test for wear/user passwords;
 1.4 - Wordlist option;
 1.5 5 - Userlist option;
2 - Portscanner
7 - Range IP Address audit and more.

Now the good news, i made 2 versions. Windows & Linux. The linux
version use the Mono Project, so i compiled mono version
to run under Linux (BackTrack 5 - GNOME).

Here the instructions to install under linux:

1 - get http://www.4shared.com/file/ykeEX3TV/xsqlscan-mono.html
2 - tar -xzvf  xsqlscan.tar.gz
3 - cd xsqlscan
4 - ./xsqlscanw
5 - The program will verify if you have Mono Core files. If already
have, the application will launcher.
5.1 - Answer 'yes' to download the libs and mono core files
6 - Restart the application typing: ./xsqlscanw
7 - Enjoy.

The link for Windows version:

Remember: any bugs, suggestions please contact me.


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From: Rodrigo Matuck <rodrigomatuck () globo com>
