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iPhone Spy tool available for sale in Cydia Store

by 날으는물고기 2010. 10. 20.

iPhone Spy tool available for sale in Cydia Store

Cydia Store is similar to Apple's App Store, except it's for jailbroken iPhones.

There's a wide variety of free apps on Cydia and dozens of commercial applications on Cydia Store.

By browsing the available applications in Cydia Store, you'll find gems like these:

OwnSpy? Remote iPhone Spy?

Let's take a closer look. 

The website of the vendor behind Ownspy:

The site describes the features of the Spy tool in detail, complete with demos.

FAQ entry:

Price chart:

This is not the first Spy tool for jailbroken iPhones we've seen. But it is weird to see these for sale on Cydia.

출처 : www.f-secure.com
