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모의해킹 (WAPT)175

False SQL Injection and Advanced Blind SQL Injection ######################################################################### # # # Exploit Title: False SQL injection and advanced blind SQL injection # # Date: 21/12/2011 # # Author: wh1ant # # # ######################################################################### 이 문서는 SQL injection 공격이 웹 방화벽이나 기타 보안 솔루션 방어 우회가 가능하다는걸 공개하기 위해 작성하였다. 한국 웹 방화벽을 대상으로 테스트 한 결과 대부분의 SQL injection 필터링 우회가 가능하였다. 이.. 2011. 12. 30.
좀비제로 스톰 공격방어 테스트 청와대, 좀비PC 방지 위해 엔피코어 ‘좀비제로’ 도입 http://www.boannews.com/media/view.asp?idx=29294&kind=1 2011. 12. 27.
SQL Injection Scanning Update - Filter Evasions Detected As we reported in the previous [Honeypot Alert] WordPress/Joomla/Mambo SQL Injection Scanning Detected alert - we have identified an increase in mass SQL Injection scanning targeting various community components. While this scanning is still ongoing, we have identified a slight variation if the attack methodology used. Here are examples from today's web server logs: GET /index.php?option=com_acp.. 2011. 12. 16.
Cain & Abel v4.9.43 released Free Hacking Tools Cain & Abel v4.9.43 released - Added SAP R/3 sniffer filter for SAP GUI authentications and SAP DIAG protocol decompression. - Added support for Licensing Mode Terminal Server connections to Windows 2008 R2 servers in APR-RDP sniffer filter. - Added support for MSCACHEv2 Hashes (used by Vista/Seven/2008) in Dictionary and Brute-Force Attacks. - Added MSCACHEv2 Hashes Cryptanal.. 2011. 12. 7.
VoIP Hopper (security testing tool) Tutorial 1: Assessment Mode video tutorial for VoIP Hopper 2.0 Tutorial 2: LLDP-MED features of VoIP Hopper Tutorial 3: Hotel Exploit Demo ~ When DHCP is disabled 출처 : voiphopper.sourceforge.net 2011. 12. 5.