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Monitoring Windows Systems from Linux For many people, the idea of using Linux as a low-cost network management platform can be highly seductive. As the argument goes, even the most rudimentary Linux distributions include the components that are needed to build a modest management console, with Net-SNMP extracting management information from devices on the network, RRDtool storing and graphing the collected data, and one of the many.. 2013. 8. 21.
Unix and Linux support in ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 Supported Distributions At the time of writing, Configuration Manager 2012 Service Pack 1 offers client support for the following UNIX and Linux distributions;Red Hat Enterprise LinuxVersion 4, 5, 6 (x86 and x64)SolarisVersion 9 (SPARC)Version 10 (x86 and SPARC)SUSE Linux Enterprise ServerVersion 9 (x86)Version 10 SP1 (x86 and x64)Version 11 (x86 and x64)In the near future the number of distribu.. 2013. 8. 20.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Client for Linux If you don’t want to install external monitoring application to your Windows, the easiest way to monitor it is to use WMI (Windows Managament Instrumentation). This is an infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-based operating systems and it is available by default from Windows 2000 through Windows 7 to Windows 2008 R2. For more details about WMI see the following pages: Win.. 2013. 8. 19.
2013년 8월 MS 정기 보안업데이트 [MS13-059] Internet Explorer 누적 보안 업데이트□ 영향 o 공격자가 영향 받는 시스템에 대해 완전한 권한 획득□ 설명 o 사용자가 Internet Explorer를 사용하여 특수하게 조작된 웹 페이지를 볼 경우, 원격코드를 실행 시킬 수 있는 취약점이 존재 o 관련취약점 : - Internet Explorer Process Integrity Level Assignment Vulnerability - CVE-2013-3186 - EUC-JP Character Encoding Vulnerability - CVE-2013-3192 - Internet Explorer Memory Corruption Vulnerability - CVE-2013-3184, CVE-2013-3187, CVE-.. 2013. 8. 14.
CUBRID와 CUBRID Web Manager설치, XE설치 및 연동 CUBRID의 최신 버전에 CUBRID Web Manager설치후 XE를 연동하여 설치한 CUBRID WebManager를 통해 XE의 DB를 운영할 수 있다. 1. 설치환경 * CentOS release 5.7 (Final) x86_64 GNU/Linux * CUBRID 2008 R4.1 ( (64bit release build for linux gnu) (다운로드 링크) * CUBRID Web Manager (다운로드 링크) * CUBRID PHP Driver - (다운로드 링크) * XE (다운로드 링크) * 기타 + Apache2.2.22 + PHP Version 5.3.12 2. CUBRID 최신 버전 설치하기[root@].. 2013. 8. 13.