물고기2171 Android Packet Sniffer Android-Arts Android packet sniffer is an app which allows to capture and display WIFI, and Bluetooth traffic on the android phone. This APP is for ROOTED PHONES ONLY. You have to be root on your phone, and have the "su" command installed. App Install process: This app is based on the tcpdump package therefor it have to be installed manually. 1. Download and Install PacketSniffer App from the market or from .. 2010. 11. 11. 2010년 11월 MS 정기 보안업데이트 권고 [MS10-087] Microsoft Office 취약점으로 인한 원격코드실행 문제점 □ 영향 o 공격자가 영향 받는 시스템에 대해 완전한 권한 획득 □ 설명 o Microsoft Office 소프트웨어가 Office 관련 파일을 처리하는 과정에서 원격코드실행 취약점이 존재 o 공격자는 Microsoft Office 소프트웨어에서 특수하게 조작된 Office 파일을 열도록 유도하여, 로그온 사용자 권한으로 임의의 코드 실행 가능 o 관련취약점 : - RTF Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - CVE-2010-3333 - Office Art Drawing Records Vulnerability - CVE-2010-3334 - Drawing Exception Handling .. 2010. 11. 10. Install And Setting PsyBNC On Unix Shell What is psyBNC? psyBNC is an IRC network bouncer (BNC). psyBNC is short form of psychoid bouncer (BNC). psyBNC is mostely used to hide your ip on IRC network and bounce your ISP. It is very easy to use and due to its unique features, it has become most popular BNC (specially on FREEBSD) . psyBNC does not just bounce your ISP (hide your ip) it also stays connected to IRC server even after you clo.. 2010. 11. 9. (동영상) Discovered XSS on Facebook can lead to account hijack 출처 : http://www.acunetix.com/ 2010. 11. 9. Online services security report car Note that “WordPress” refers to all the independent implementations of WordPress, but the WordPress.com free hosting site does implement SSL. The bottom portion of the table refers to generic protocols that are commonly used by computers and smartphones, the vast majority of which use the unsafe versions. What are authentication cookies?To save you the trouble of having to sign in with username .. 2010. 11. 8. 이전 1 ··· 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 ··· 435 다음 728x90