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Twitter OnMouseOver Flaw In The Wild As of this morning we have been monitoring a flaw on twitter.com that delivers pop-ups to Twitter users when they move their mouse cursor over a specially crafted tweet. There is also the potential to deliver status updates when mousing over a tweet and altering the display of the Twitter status on user's profile pages. The affected tweets contain JavaScript that runs the OnMouseOver command (th.. 2010. 9. 24.
Tracking the IMDDOS Botnet For the compelete report on the IMDDOS Botnet, Tracking the Global Growth of the IMDDOS BotnetThe newly discovered IMDDOS Botnet is a commercial DDoS service. The botnet grew large very quickly. Beginning testing in April 2010, it reached a production peak activity by the second week of August of 25,000 unique recursive DNS lookups/hour to the command-and-control (CnC) servers. This paper detail.. 2010. 9. 17.
Password Patterns In December 2009, a critical data breach in the Internet has been experienced. Around 32 million user passwords of rockyou.com web portal was stolen by a hacker which had used SQL injection for his attack. He got all passwords and made them anonymously (i.e. without usernames) available in the Internet to download. Security experts started analyzing the passwords and Imperva released a study reg.. 2010. 9. 16.
Nessus iPhone Application The Nessus iPhone app, from Tenable Network Security Inc., enables you to log into your Nessus scanners and start, stop and pause vulnerability scans as well as analyze the results directly from your iPhone. Download : http://www.nessus.org/download/ 2010. 9. 16.
안철수연구소가 권하는 보안 수칙 * PC 보안 10계명 1. 윈도우 운영체제, 인터넷 익스플로러, 오피스 제품의 최신 보안 패치를 모두 적용한다. 2. 통합보안 소프트웨어를 하나 정도는 설치해둔다. 설치 후 항상 최신 버전의 엔진으로 유지되도록 부팅 후 자동 업데이트되게 하고, 시스템 감시 기능이 항상 작동하도록 설정한다. 대표적인 보안 소프트웨어로는 무료백신 V3 Lite(www.V3Lite.com), 방화벽과 백신이 통합된 유료 보안 서비스 ‘V3 365 클리닉’(http://V3Clinic.ahnlab.com) 등이 있다. 3. 보안에 취약한 웹사이트 접속 시 악성코드에 감염되지 않도록 예방해주는 ‘사이트가드’(www.SiteGuard.co.kr)를 설치해 사용한다. 4. 이메일 확인 시 발신인이 모르는 사람이거나 불분명한 경우 .. 2010. 9. 16.