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ModSecurity v2.7.6 Release New Continuous Integration Platform (BuildBot)The ModSecurity Project team here in SpiderLabs Research wants to ensure the quality of the project so that it will run properly within the different web servers (Apache, IIS, Nginx and Java) and OS platforms. Testing each feature manually in all supported platforms versus all supported web servers is not feasible due to the amount of time that it wi.. 2013. 12. 19.
OSSEC Log Management with Elasticsearch Log Management System ArchitectureThe OSSEC log management system I’ll discuss here relies on three open source technologies, in addition to OSSEC:Logstash – Parses and stores syslog data to ElasticsearchElasticsearch - General purpose indexing and data storage systemKibana – User interface that comes with ElasticSearchLogstash is configured to receive OSSEC syslog output then parse it and forwa.. 2013. 11. 23.
OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard Installation tutorial OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. It runs on most operating systems, including Linux, MacOS, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and Windows. It also includes agentless monitoring for use with for example Cisco, HP or Juniper hardware.This tutorial covers.. 2013. 11. 12.
Configuring OSSEC with MySQL and Analogi I have been using OSSEC for a while now but I always used only plain text logs. While this is not bad, it does not scale really well. I started looking into a way to do it right(tm). I knew OSSEC was compatible with MySQL, and since 2.7 has been released, it gave me an excuse to play with it again.You will need to enable MySQL in OSSEC (not enabled by default), grab the source then do the follow.. 2013. 11. 5.
ClamAV 0.98 has been released! ClamAV 0.98 includes many new features, across many different components of ClamAV. There are new scanning options, extensions to the libclamav API, support for additional filetypes, and internal upgrades. - Signature improvements: New signature targets have been added for PDF files, Flash files and Java class files. (NOTE: Java archive files (JAR) are not part of the Java target.) Hash signatur.. 2013. 9. 30.