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MysqlPasswordAuditor : Mysql Password Recovery & Auditing About MysqlPasswordAuditor MysqlPasswordAuditor is the FREE Mysql password recovery and auditing software. Mysql is one of the popular and powerful database software used by most of the web based and server side applications. If you have ever lost or forgotten your Mysql database password then MysqlPasswordAuditor can help in recovering it easily. It can also help you to audit Mysql database ser.. 2011. 5. 25.
NessusDB(Nessus XMLv2 parser) 1.4.2 release Usage: Viewing the Data Viewing the data is as easy as using any standard database client for the database you are using. As seen in these screenshots with Sequel Pro: NessusDBNessusDB is Nessus parser, that converts the generated reports into a ActiveRecord database, this allows for easy report generation and vulnerability verification. Version 1.4.2 is the current release. RequirementsRubyNess.. 2011. 5. 16.
SQL Error Base SQL Injection 1. NASA Full-Disclosure! AGAIN #Important Ok. First of all, I want to say I made this SQLi public(even though I didn’t wanted to do this), because I saw that somebody else found the vulnerable parameter. I found this SQLi 3 months ago… #Why I test websites ? Because this is my hobby and I want to prove that even big websites which should be very secure, can be hacked, and this is true and sad at.. 2009. 12. 11.
오라클 User 생성 및 권한관리 SYS 권한(privilege) 유포 확인 쿼리 1) DATABASE에 있는 SYS가 나눠준 모든 권한 보기 SQL> select * from dba_sys_privs; GRANTEE PRIVILEGE ADM ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- --- HR UNLIMITED TABLESPACE NO OE QUERY REWRITE NO OE CREATE SNAPSHOT NO ;adm = with admin option으로 SYS가 HR에게 권한을 줄때 EX) GRANT greate user TO hr with admin option을 받은 hr은 그 받은 권한만을 다른 대상에게 부여할 수 있다. 2) 모든 계정이 .. 2009. 6. 19.
Oracle 9i Realse2 RAC for linux 구성 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 작성자 : 문태준 (taejun at tunelinux.pe.kr http://tunelinux.pe.kr http://database.sarang.net) 작성일 : 2003. 1. 28(화) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ㅇ 문서소개 본 문서는 IBM 인텔기반 PC서버인 xSeries X440 서버에 운영체제를 리눅스로 하여 Oracle RAC release 2(9.2.0)를 구현하는 것에 대하여 개략적인 설명을 담았다. 이미 리눅스(레드햇)에 대해서는 익숙하다는.. 2009. 6. 17.