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SQL Injection and Signature Evasion SQL-Injection: Attack-Types 2010. 5. 31.
sqlninja - a SQL Server injection & takeover tool Sqlninja's goal is to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities on web applications that use Microsoft SQL Server as back end. It is released under the GPLv2. There are a lot of other SQL injection tools out there but sqlninja, instead of extracting the data, focuses on getting an interactive shell on the remote DB server and using it as a foothold in the target network. In a nutshell, here's what i.. 2010. 5. 25.
PHP 인젝션 기본구문 이해 1. 삽입 위치 확인 and 1=1 (정상, 이전 페이지와 동일) and 1-2 (오류가 아닌 이전 페이지와 같음) 2. union 쿼리 수행 여부 결정 and ord(mid(version(),1,1))>51 (4.0이상 가능, 3.0 51 이상) 3. order by 사용 스톰 필드 order by 숫자 (오류 5, 정상 4) 4. union 사용 정확한 필드 쿼리 and 1=2 union select 1,2,3,....... (정확한 숫자 추측) 5. 데이터베이스 쓰기권한 계정 확인 (root권한) and (select count(*) from mysql.user)>0 (오류는 관리자 계정 암호 추측에 사용) - load_file(char(파일경로ascii값 쉼표로 분리 또는 16진수 사용)) 기능으.. 2010. 5. 13.
skipfish - web application security scanner A rough list of the security checks offered by the tool is outlined below. High risk flaws (potentially leading to system compromise): Server-side SQL injection (including blind vectors, numerical parameters). Explicit SQL-like syntax in GET or POST parameters. Server-side shell command injection (including blind vectors). Server-side XML / XPath injection (including blind vectors). Format strin.. 2010. 3. 30.
Additional notes in PHP source code auditing Today , I decide talk about some of my experience about methods of vulnerability discovery techniques through source code auditing . if you remember , around 1 years ago , i wrote This article : 20 ways to php Source code fuzzing (Auditing) some time ago “Stefan Esser” made The Poster on the PHP Security . I’m going to have a brief description about most them with my experience in PHP Source cod.. 2010. 3. 16.