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Windows Update 상태 체크 및 강제 업데이트 PowerShell 실행 관리 Windows에서 업데이트의 마지막 수행 일자를 체크하고, 그 일자가 1개월 이상 지났을 경우 강제로 업데이트를 실행하는 스크립트를 PowerShell을 사용하여 작성할 수 있습니다.# 윈도우 업데이트 서비스를 가져옵니다.$UpdateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session$UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()# 마지막 검색 시간을 확인합니다.$LastSearch = $UpdateSearcher.QueryHistory(0, 1)if ($LastSearch.Count -gt 0) { $LastUpdateDate = $LastSearch[0].Date $CurrentDate =.. 2024. 7. 14.
WQL (SQL for WMI) The WMI Query Language (WQL) is a subset of the American National Standards Institute Structured Query Language (ANSI SQL)—with minor semantic changes. The following table lists the WQL keywords.WQL keywordMeaningANDCombines two Boolean expressions, and returns TRUE when both expressions are TRUE.ASSOCIATORS OFRetrieves all instances that are associated with a source instance.Use this statement .. 2013. 8. 22.
Monitoring Windows Systems from Linux For many people, the idea of using Linux as a low-cost network management platform can be highly seductive. As the argument goes, even the most rudimentary Linux distributions include the components that are needed to build a modest management console, with Net-SNMP extracting management information from devices on the network, RRDtool storing and graphing the collected data, and one of the many.. 2013. 8. 21.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Client for Linux If you don’t want to install external monitoring application to your Windows, the easiest way to monitor it is to use WMI (Windows Managament Instrumentation). This is an infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-based operating systems and it is available by default from Windows 2000 through Windows 7 to Windows 2008 R2. For more details about WMI see the following pages: Win.. 2013. 8. 19.
Monitor Windows via WMI from Cacti on Linux Bugtracker: http://mantis.parkingdenied.comLatest SVN: http://svn.parkingdenied.com/CactiWMI/trunk Memory Usage Disk Space Disk I/O CPU Usage (1,2,4 and 8 core tested) SQL Performance NTDS LDAP Connections NTDS LDAP Performance NTDS DS Performance NTDS Auth Performance 출처 : forums.cacti.net 2012. 9. 20.