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PsExec, RunAs Tools PsExec (part of PsTools - download PsExec) Execute a command-line process on a remote machine. Syntax psexec \\computer[,computer[,..] [options] command [arguments] psexec @run_file [options] command [arguments] Options: computer The computer on which psexec will run command. Default = local system To run against all computers in the current domain enter "\\*" @run_file Run command on every comp.. 2010. 8. 28.
PostgreSQL 기본 클라이언트 psql 사용 psql 쉘 옵션 [root@linux root]# psql --help This is psql 7.4.1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Usage: psql [OPTIONS]... [DBNAME [USERNAME]] General options: -d DBNAME specify database name to connect to (default: "root") -c COMMAND run only single command (SQL or internal) and exit -f FILENAME execute commands from file, then exit -l list available databases, then exit -v NAME=VALUE set psql .. 2010. 2. 18.
USB Autorun.inf 악성코드 감염 샘플 AutoRun.inf [autorun] open=.\RECYCLER\RECYCLER\autorun.exe shell\1=Open shell\1\Command=.\RECYCLER\RECYCLER\autorun.exe shell\2\=Browser shell\2\Command=.\RECYCLER\RECYCLER\autorun.exe shellexecute=.\RECYCLER\RECYCLER\autorun.exe [autorun] open=CONFIG\S-1-5-21-1482476501-1644491937-682003330-1013\Cfg.exe icon=%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll,4 action=Open folder to view files shell\open=Open sh.. 2010. 1. 22.
Redis Command Reference memcached 류의 Key-Value 모델 이상의 역할을 수행하는 것이 가능하다. PHP와 Redis만으로 (즉, 별도의 Database 등을 사용하지 않고) 개발되고 있다. Every command name links to a specific wiki page describing the behavior of the command. Connection handling QUIT close the connection AUTH simple password authentication if enabled Commands operating on all the kind of values EXISTS key test if a key exists DEL key delete a key TYPE key return th.. 2009. 12. 17.