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Hash Cracking tutorial with HashCat HashCat is a tool for cracking various types of hash. This tool can do more than one Hash cracking, which means we can put some hashes into a file.txt and it crack the hashes simultaneously. we can do offline cracking hashes (it means we don`t need an Internet connection that uses the hash databases that have been cracked before). the hash algorithm supported by this tool include: * MD5 * Md5 ($.. 2010. 11. 22.
BEST TOOLS EVER (UPDATED) OpenVPN OpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN solution which can accomodate a wide range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs, WiFi security, and enterprise-scale remote access solutions with load balancing, failover, and fine-grained access-controls. GUI-version for Windows! http://uploading.com/files/GTWU6PHX/open...l.zip.html BlueFTP This is an old tool which will helps .. 2010. 8. 22.
Disable the use of LOCAL INFILE The next change is to disable the use of the "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" command, which will help to prevent unauthorized reading from local files. This is especially important when new SQL Injection vulnerabilities in PHP applications are found. In addition, in certain cases, the "LOCAL INFILE" command can be used to gain access to other files on the operating system, for instance "/etc/passwd", u.. 2010. 8. 17.
[MySQL] OPTIMIZE, TRUNCATE, 테이블복구, DB공간제한 OPTIMIZE TABLE 문법 : 대량의 데이터를 삭제했던가, 테이블의 잦은 변화가 있을 경우 사용하면 유용 사용법) mysql>optimize table 테이블명; TRUNCATE 문법 : 레코드 삭제 사용법) mysql>truncate table 테이블명; * delete from 테이블 조건; => 데이터를 순자적으로 삭제 truncate table 테이블명; => 테이블 자체를 삭제후 테이블을 새로 생성 테이블 삭제 속도는 빠르나 삭제된 레코드를 복구할수없다. *테이블이 깨져서 나오는 경우 테이블을 체크해서 복구하여야한다. 체크 : mysql>check table 테이블명; 복구 : mysql>repair table 테이블명; ex) jung 사용자의 DB사용량을 계정용량 범위내에서 자유로이 사.. 2010. 5. 24.
Remote file include in appserv 2.4.5 ====================================================================== Remote file include in appserv 2.4.5 (possible in previous versions) ====================================================================== [ What is Appserv ] AppServ is the Apache/PHP/MySQL open source software installer packages. Objective : - Easy to buid Webserver and Database Server - For those who just beginning client.. 2010. 5. 14.