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Nmap – Techniques for Avoiding Firewalls As a penetration tester you will come across with systems that are behind firewalls and they are blocking you from getting the information that you want.So you will need to know how to avoid the firewall rules that are in place and to discover information about a host.This step in a penetration testing called Firewall Evasion Rules.Nmap is offering a lot of options about Firewall evasion so in t.. 2012. 4. 3.
Analysis on mma.php Backdoor Shell All right guys, today let’s have a look on a very common backdoor shell today that allows an attacker to upload arbitrary files on the web server. The name of this shell is mma.php and is commonly named or uploaded in the websites I’ve been inspecting for possible backdoor uploads by using the power of Google dorks.My first encounter with this backdoor shell was like two years ago and I was stil.. 2012. 4. 2.
OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks 2012. 4. 1.
Domain SQL Injector - Find SQL Injection on all sites hosted on server Hey Guys, Sharing a private python script - "Domain SQL Injector - Error Based SQLi Tool" The script has following features: 1. Crawling : it can crawl all or requested number of pages on a website 2. Reverse IP Look Up : it can find all sites hosted on a shared hosting server 3. Single-Mode Attack : Crawl and find SQLi on single website and report 4. Mass-Mode Attack : Find all sites hosted on .. 2012. 3. 31.
WebSploit Toolkit Version v1.5 WebSploit Is An Open Source Project For Scan And Analysis Remote System From VulnerabilityDescription :[+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service [+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin [+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format [+]phpmyadmin - Search Target phpmyadmin login page [+]lfi - Scan,Bypass local file inclusion .. 2012. 3. 30.