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스마트폰 (Mobile)195

Android Packet Sniffer Android-Arts Android packet sniffer is an app which allows to capture and display WIFI, and Bluetooth traffic on the android phone. This APP is for ROOTED PHONES ONLY. You have to be root on your phone, and have the "su" command installed. App Install process: This app is based on the tcpdump package therefor it have to be installed manually. 1. Download and Install PacketSniffer App from the market or from .. 2010. 11. 11.
Android 2.0-2.1 WebKit 원격코드실행 취약점 Webkit Floating Point Datatype Remote Code Execution Vulnerability woot 출처 : http://www.securityfocus.com/ 2010. 11. 8.
Twitter updates Android client to version 1.0.5, includes iOS UI elements Social networking site Twitter has just rolled out a new version of their Android mobile client. The new version offers several UI enhancements, including several of the gestures and features present in the company’s iOS offering: • Pull to Refresh: This popular feature, which was first available through our iPhone app, functions just as it sounds – when you’re at the top of your timeline, simpl.. 2010. 11. 4.
안드로이드 추천 어플 리스트 안드로이드 추천 어플 리스트입니다. 필수 응용프로그램 리소스 관리는 나에게 맡겨라!- ADVENCE TASK KILLER 우리집도 찍혔다! - DUM 지도 주소록, 문자, 사진을 평생 무료 백업하자. - T BAG 파일관리는 아스트로 파일 매니저에 맡기세요. - 아스트로 파일 관리자 갤럭시S 분실의 대한 부담을 덜어 보자. - WHERES MY DROID 홈 화면에서 간편하게 밝기 조절하기 - BRIGHTNESS LEVEL 편리하고 강력한 리소스 관리 - QUICK SYSTEM INFO 쉬운 게임 어플리케이션 검색과 다운로드 - MY MARKET MP3파일 한번에 검색과 다운로드 - MUSIC JUNK 교통 & 여행 관련 응용프로그램 대리운전도 GPS로 찾아 가는 시대 - 친절콜대리 서울과 수도권 버스 .. 2010. 10. 31.
iPhone Spy tool available for sale in Cydia Store Cydia Store is similar to Apple's App Store, except it's for jailbroken iPhones. There's a wide variety of free apps on Cydia and dozens of commercial applications on Cydia Store. By browsing the available applications in Cydia Store, you'll find gems like these: OwnSpy? Remote iPhone Spy? Let's take a closer look. The website of the vendor behind Ownspy: The site describes the features of the S.. 2010. 10. 20.