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POST EXPLOITATION COMMAND LISTS I've had a private list of commands that I run on Windows or Linux when I pop a shell, as I'm sure most pentesters do. It isn't so much a thing of hoarding as much it is just jumbled notes that are 'not worth posting' Well, I made two (now 3) public google docs (anyone can edit) *don't be a dick clause Linux/Unix/BSD Post Exploitation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ObQB6hmVvRPCgPTRZM5NMH03.. 2011. 9. 9.
XSSS: Cross Site Scripting Scanning XSSS Software is a brute force cross site scripting scanner. developed by Sven. We hope soon the new and improved version is released with more features. Features Crawl website Detect forms and URLs with parameters Fill in forms, alter parameters to include control characters Scan web server response for our input What does it look for Code in web pages JavaScript aka JScript, ECMAScript VBScrip.. 2011. 9. 8.
OWASP Broken Web Applications Project 0.94 released Our first post regarding OWASPBWA or the OWASP Broken Web Applications Project can be found here. About two months ago, an updated version – OWASPBWA version 0.94 was released! “Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Broken Web Applications Project, a collection of vulnerable web applications that is distributed on a Virtual Machine in VMware format compatible with their no-cost VMware Pl.. 2011. 9. 7.
대한민국 No.1 카페24 호스팅 보안 담당자 채용공고 잡코리아 : http://www.jobkorea.co.kr/List_GI/GIB_Read.asp?GI_No=9583067 사람인 : http://www.saramin.co.kr/zf_user/recruit/recruit-view/idx/9910975 2011. 8. 25.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 GIF Remote Code Execution ##################################################################################### Application: Adobe Photoshop CS5 GIF Remote Code Execution Platforms: Adobe Photoshop CS5 (12.0 and 12.1) Exploitation: Remote code execution CVE Number: CVE-2011-2131 Adobe Vulnerability Identifier: APSB11-22 {PRL}: 2011-08 Author: Francis Provencher (Protek Research Lab's) Website: http://www.protekresearchla.. 2011. 8. 23.