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BackTrack 5 R1 released After being officially released at the BlackHat USA 2011, BackTrack 5 R1 has been finally released as a public download! “BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. Regardless if you’re making BackTrack your primary operating system, booting from a LiveDVD, or u.. 2011. 8. 22.
PXE exploit server ## # $Id: pxexploit.rb 13493 2011-08-05 17:10:27Z scriptjunkie $ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/framework/ ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex/proto/tftp' require 'rex/proto/dhcp' class.. 2011. 8. 8.
Metasploit Framework 4.0 Released! It's been a long road to 4.0. The first 3.0 release was almost 5 years ago and the first release under the Rapid7 banner was almost 2 years ago. Since then, Metasploit has really spread its wings. When 3.0 was released, it was under a EULA-like license with specific restrictions against using it in commercial products. Over time, the reasons for that decision became less important and the need f.. 2011. 8. 2.
sslsniff v0.8 with iOS Fingerprinting Support! Some History:This tool was originally written to demonstrate and exploit IE'svulnerability to a specific "basicConstraints" man-in-the-middle attack. While Microsoft has since fixed the vulnerability that allowed leaf certificates to act as signing certificates, this tool is still occasionally useful for other purposes. It is designed to MITM all SSL connections on a LAN and dynamically generate.. 2011. 7. 27.
Testing Snort IDS with Metasploit vSploit Modules One of my key objectives for developing the new vSploit modules was to test network devices such as Snort. Snort or Sourcefire enterprise products are widely deployed in enterprises, so Snort can safely be considered the de-facto standard when it comes to intrusion detection systems (IDS). So much that even third-party intrusion detection systems often import Snort rules. Organizations are often.. 2011. 7. 11.